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Blogger Sitemap Generator (XML Sitemap for Blogger / Blogspot)

This tool will generate a complete XML sitemap of your Blogger blog that mentions all your blog posts and not just the recently published blog posts. XML Sitemaps help search engines better index your blog. Sitemaps are supported by all major search engines including Google and Bing. (Credit PHPFunction to

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Meta Tag analysis for Blogger / Site

The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Title, keywords and description tags are considered as the most important from all meta tags in search engine optimization. (Credit PHPFunction to

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Google PageRank (PR) Checker

Google pagerank is the webpage rating given by google (between 0 to 10). Pagerank is an important factor in Search engine ranking higher pagerank will get higher SERP (search engine results page) position. Pagerank depends on numbers of relative backlinks to website. (Credit PHPFunction to

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Get Favicon From Blog or Site

A favicon is the little icon that browsers display next to a page's title on a browser tab, or in the address bar next to its URL. It also is used when you bookmark a page. (Credit JSFunction to

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CSS Compression Tool (CSS Compressor)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Use this Cascading Style Sheets, CSS Compressor to compress CSS to reduce CSS code size and make your web pages load faster. It is quick, easy and free! (Credit JSFunction to

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CSS Decompression Tools (CSS Decompressor)

You can use this utility to uncompress your CSS files, in other words make them nicely formatted again. This tool will decompress the compressed and optimized Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) code to make it easier to read and to edit. (Credit JSFunction to

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JavaScript Compressor (JavaScript Packer)

This javascript compressor that allows you to compress and minify your javascript files. Compressed javascript files are ideal for production environments since they typically reduce the size of the file by 30-90%. Most of the filesize reduction is achieved by removing comments and extra whitespace characters that are not needed by web browsers or visitors. (Credit JSFunction to

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JavaScript Decompressor (JavaScript Unpacker)

This tool will unpack decompress and reformat the packed JavaScript to make the notations readable and editable. It can also unpack scripts packed by the popular Dean Edward's packer, and can deobfuscate scripts that are obfuscated and protected by software's and online obfuscating tools. (Credit JSFunction to

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Ad Code Converter Tool for AdSense, AdBrite and Chitika

This Ad converter tool is the most important for the all the bloggers and it helps the bloggers to convert the Ads ad code to put the ads in your Blogger post. It automatically converts javascript ad code into the correct format so you can embed it directly into your new xml Blogger template. It’s perfect for converting AdSense, AdBrite, Chitika or any other javascript ad code you may have. (Credit JSFunction to

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Html Color Codes Generator (HTML Color Picker)

Color Picker is the best online tool for choosing colors in hexadecimal , RGB, HSV and CMYK value and you can change the styling of many aspects to suit your Blog or Website! Move the vertical slider to chose color and then click into color square on the left to get HTML color code for desired color cast. (Credit JSFunction to

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Online Code Beautifier for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP

With Code Beautifier, you can deobfuscate and reformat your source code with a click. The beautifier is compatible with most popular languages including JavaScript, HTML, XML, CSS, and PHP. (Credit JSFunction to

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